When to See a Professional About Your Ingrown Toenail

A little soreness on the side of your toe could be a sign you have an ingrown toenail, a common podiatric concern. An ingrown toenail happens when the edge of your nail grows into the skin alongside your nail bed. This often leads to swelling and tenderness, making it difficult to stand or walk for prolonged periods. 

Unfortunately, ingrown toenails invite infection. When bacteria enter the area where the nail grows into the skin, the nail can become infected. Signs of an infected ingrown toenail include:

At Lone Peak Foot & Ankle Clinic in Draper and Orem, Utah, board-certified podiatrist and surgeon Greg Brockbank, DPM, FACFAS, treats ingrown toenails safely and can help you prevent them from coming back. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss how to recognize an ingrown toenail, when to pursue treatment, and how you can prevent the next one. 

Recognizing ingrown toenails

Recognizing an ingrown toenail early could help you prevent it from becoming infected and more complex to treat. The early signs of an ingrown toenail include pain and tenderness alongside the nail bed. You might see that the nail is growing into the skin. Additionally, the skin around an ingrown toenail might feel hard or inflamed. 

When to be concerned about an ingrown toenail

Seeing a podiatrist isn’t always necessary as ingrown toenails can often be managed with home care. You should book an appointment at Lone Peak Foot & Ankle Clinic if your symptoms don’t improve within a few days, or if you develop an ingrown toenail and have one of the following conditions:

These conditions increase your chances of developing a very serious infection. During your visit, Dr. Brockbank evaluates your ingrown toenail for signs of an infection. Based on the severity, he determines your best course of treatment.  

How podiatrists treat ingrown toenails

If your ingrown toenail isn’t infected, Dr. Brockbank treats it in a similar way as you might treat it at home but using sterile tools. He might place a splint under the nail to dislodge it from the skin and promote proper nail growth. 

Dr. Brockbank may opt to remove a portion of your nail with a minor surgery called nail avulsion. After numbing the affected toe, Dr. Brockbank trims off part or all of your nail so it no longer cuts into your skin. Removing the entire nail is less common than removing a portion. 

If you get recurrent ingrown toenails on the same toe, Dr. Brockbank might choose to remove the nail root to prevent recurrence of the ingrown nail. 

Preventing your next ingrown toenail

You can possible prevent an ingrown toenail by properly trimming your toenails and avoiding pressure or trauma to the toe. Our recommendations include:

For more information on ingrown toenails and how to manage them, call Lone Peak Foot & Ankle Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.

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